Friday, 11 December 2009

Website Growing

So I have been growing the amount of content on my website and it is now starting to become quite considerable, with this new content I have also been getting more traffic. Every time I put a new article up I am now getting more search engine traffic. My traffic is now around about 20-40 visitors a day and going up!

So I can without a doubt state that with more content comes more traffic. But its not just content you need its the amount of links coming into your site that determine how high you rank for certain keywords.  So anyway I will continue to add content until hopefully I hit the 50 visitors a day mark by Christmas!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Revamping the site

So today I have been working hard at revamping the site. I believe that the current sites design does not help my visitors to view the content I have put up and lessen their visiting enjoyment. So I have decided to go with the following template.

This in my opinion looks a lot nicer and more organized than that of my old website layout. This will hopefully lower the bounce rate and increase my page views. Also the way I have set it up I think it will allow me to rank higher for keywords than I normally would. But the effects will be seen when I launch this latest edition. Right now I am currently testing the site to see if all the links work correctly. Also I am putting up some content so that it isn't just an empty website. It will be a rolling launch tomorrow as I hope to get the new layout up and running by the morning. Then I will simply add content as the day progresses.

This is one of the effects of that spark that was lit the other day. Hopefully though it will be a positive step forward and bring me closer to my goal - Several hundred visitors per day - upon achieving this I will have a big party to which you are all invited!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Traffic Increase

So the other day I noticed a sudden increase in traffic. I checked on analytics to see what had happened, and found out that one of my articles had been listed pretty high on yahoo. Something like 8th on yahoo out of 33 million. For one keyword! This is a break through as I have never seem what search engine traffic could really do. I thought it would take longer to get more traffic from search engines. So my new push for content is working! I am getting more page views and visitors per day now. Although to match this success on google I will have to consistently build good content so that it will get linked to more and I will rank higher for keywords.

I feel like I have just sparked the ignition to a fire that may burn quite wildly and efficiently soon!

Anyway I need to start playing the games more so that I will have more things to talk about on my website. More things to talk about means more content which means more keywords and more traffic!

Bye for now I will give you a screenshot of my traffic at the end of the month!

Monday, 16 November 2009

More Content

Today has been a slow day for traffic. I only received 1 visitor. I did add some more content up so hopefully I will rank for some more keywords. My plan is to just constantly add more and more content and see if it gets me more and more traffic. I will continue to just keep adding content until I get to the stage where I have several hundred pages of reviews and articles and tutorials and what not.

So hopefully I will start seeing more and more traffic everyday. I will give you a screenshot of my traffic at the end of the month. Hopefully it will be getting to the stage where I can brag about it.

Anyway I need to get to bed. Lots of work to do tomorrow!

Monthly traffic stats

I am going to set myself a long term goal here. I am going to try and reach and average of 200 visitors per day in the next 3 and a half months. I will post monthly traffic stats and give you screenshots of my google analytics graphs. 

By February the 1st I hope to achieve this goal. 

If I get to that stage I will throw a party and you are all invited.

So anyway today I will be putting in screenshots and cheats and reviews. I don't want to do too much tonight but as long as I get a couple pages done I can rest happy. I read an interesting note yesterday: The small blog post you post now could end up getting you. I also looked at another blogs traffic, and he posted regularly and his traffic just kept going up. Hopefully it will be the same here.

Anyway New tutorials will be on my website tonight, Maybe even a new website template. I am not sure yet but I will do my best!

Bye for now!

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Building content

So I have just been building more and more content today. Mainly on the shop, but I haven't uploaded those pages yet. Tomorrow, when I have finished the main tech page I will upload them and then start working on new games reviews and walkthroughs.

Today has been pretty tiring because I have been building a conservatory with my dad. Its hard back-breaking work but I am getting paid for it. 

Anyway my plan for the next 2 weeks is to get more and more content up on my website. 

  1. 5 new games up. Complete with cheats, unlockables, and reviews. And maybe a page of screenshots.
  2. 10 new items up in the shop.
  3. I will also add about 2-3 more tutorials on HTML and CSS programming. I am hoping to branch off a bit with the tutorials. I plan on getting around 20-30 small tutorials up and running by Christmas.
  4. Getting my traffic up to around 4-5 a day. At the moment my traffic is dire, but that is because I have almost no content. Compared to the sites I am hoping to start competing against I will have to build hundreds of pages of content. Hopefully during the Christmas holidays I will be able to churn out a few.
  5. Finally getting it so that I am earning a sound $0.01 a day from advertising. This should come hand in hand with getting my traffic up. The more money I earn from advertising the more money I can therefore spend on getting some writers to dish out a couple of articles for me.
Anyway I need to get back to work. I want at least 5-10 more items in the shop before the day is over.